Media Informasi Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) untuk Anak berbasis Mobile

  • Kadek Rika Yudariani Putri Universitas Bumigora Mataram
  • Uswatun Hasanah Sekawan Institute
Keywords: Rubella Measles Immunization, Media Information, Animation


Many immunizations can be obtained at the Puskesmas. Still, there is one immunization thatblocks the community, namely Measles-Rubella immunization, related to communitymisunderstanding about vaccination because the news of immunization implementation thathas no relevance to the Syar' i aspects is done professionally according to technicalprovisions. Meanwhile, the application of Measles-Rubella immunization for people whoconsider aspects of halal and vaccine efficacy can sharply wait until the MUI issued a fatwaconcerning the implementation of Measles-Rubella immunization. From the data obtainedthat at least the community, especially western Javanese people who use Measles-Rubellaimmunization from the specified target. There were 878 people from 2,474 in the WestPagesangan region who participated in the Measles-Rubella immunization. MUI has issuedfatwa number 33 of 2018, stating that it agreed to allow the Measles-Rubella vaccine, whichis a product of the Serum Institute of India (SII) for the current immunization program.This guideline can be a reference for the government in implementing the Measles-Rubellaimmunization for the community so that people do not doubt the vaccine. Based on theseproblems, a mobile-based information media application was developed, which wasdeveloped based on the Luther-Sutopo concept aimed at facilitating the community related toMR immunization information for children. Based on the results of a trial or applicationtesting conducted statistically, it found that the percentage of users who agree is higher thandisagree. That is, the application provides convenience in its use as a medium of informationon the importance of Measles-Rubella immunization for children


How to Cite
K. R. Y. Putri and U. Hasanah, “Media Informasi Imunisasi Measles Rubella (MR) untuk Anak berbasis Mobile”, jtim, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 21-28, May 2020.