Penerapan Langchain Retriever dengan Model Chat Openai dalam Pengembangan Sistem Chatbot Hadis Berbasis Telegram
In Islamic studies, the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) hold significant value as guides for behavior and faith. However, access to understanding Hadiths often presents challenges, espe-cially for those who are not Hadith experts. The digitalization of Hadiths is still limited, making it time-consuming to find answers by sifting through the vast amount of available information. This research aims to create an efficient chatbot that provides answers related to Hadiths, including the original sources, quickly. The proposed solution is a technology-based approach through the development of a Hadith chatbot on Telegram, integrated with the LangChain Retriever and the GPT-4-1106-preview chat model from OpenAI. Using LangChain Retriever helps the chatbot find accurate answers by matching user questions with relevant Hadith databases, enhancing the ac-curacy of the chatbot's responses. The GPT-4-1106-preview chat model enables the chatbot to generate natural and context-appropriate responses, improving user interaction. The Rapid Ap-plication Development (RAD) method is applied in system development, through stages of Re-quirement Planning, User Design, Construction, and Cut-Over, including data analysis of Hadiths from the Nine Imam Hadith Books, totaling 62,169 Hadiths. The chatbot's performance evaluation uses the Scoring Evaluator framework with an average evaluation score of 0.97 and quality answer evaluation testing by five Hadith experts with an accuracy percentage of 90%. The Scoring Eval-uator test results indicate that the responses are highly accurate and aligned with Hadith refer-ences, and the quality answer evaluation test on a Likert scale shows respondents strongly agree with the system's answers. This research contributes to laypersons wanting to learn Hadiths by utilizing the chatbot as an interactive and innovative learning medium. Further research can expand the focus to complex interpretations of Musykil al-Hadith and asbab al-wurud to address deeper questions about Hadith interpretation.
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