JSN : Jurnal Sains Natural https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn <p><strong>Jurnal Sains Natural</strong> (JSN) adalah jurnal penelitian sebagai wadah dosen, mahasiswa maupun praktisi untuk mendesiminasikan hasil penelitiannya. Scope jurnal ini adalah eksakta atau ilmu pengetahuan alam yang berada di bawah Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan (PUSLIBLTBANG) SEKAWAN Institue Nusa Tenggara. Pengelola jurnal ini terdiri dari dosen dan praktisi. JSN terbit 4 kali per volume, yaitu Februari, Mei, Agustus, dan November.</p> en-US edykurniawanw@yahoo.com (Edy Kurniawan) aimprof08@gmail.com (Abdurahim) Sat, 04 Jan 2025 23:10:12 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Literature Review : Prevalensi Jumlah Leukosit Pada Sampel Urine Pasien dengan Pemasangan Kateter https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/597 <p><em>The use of urinary catheters is very common in hospitals. Urinary catheters are the most common cause of bacteriuria. Urinary tract infections are the cause of more than 1/3 of all hospital-acquired infections. Most of these infections (at least 80%) are caused by invasive procedures or urinary tract instrumentation, usually in the form of catheterization. Urine sediment examination aims to detect and identify insoluble materials in urine. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of leukocyte counts in patients with catheter placement based on a literature review and to analyze the number of leukocytes in patients with catheter users based on a literature review. The method used was Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The results of this study obtained the results of the number of samples based on gender in women as many as 223 people and in men 147 people, with a total number of patients as many as 370. then the results of the number of samples based on patient age, the number of patients who were most catheterized at the age of 56-65 as many as 101 patients (27.0%), followed by age 46-55 as many as 96 patients (25.0%), age 36-45 as many as 68 patients (18.0%), age 26-35 as many as 39 patients (10.0%), age 17-25 as many as 30 patients (8.0%), and age&gt; 65 as many as 36 patients (9.0%) with a total of 370 patients. The results of the study can be concluded that catheter installation can cause urinary tract infections.</em></p> Pipit Sagita Putri, Aini Aini, Ika Nurfajri Mentari, Pauzan Pauzan Copyright (c) 2025 Pipit Sagita Putri, Aini Aini, Ika Nurfajri Mentari, Pauzan Pauzan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/597 Sat, 04 Jan 2025 23:01:23 +0000 Erythrocyte Index Profile As An Indication of Anemia Based On Morphology In Patients (Tuberculosis) Undergoing Treatment https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/598 <p><em>Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria which usually attacks the lungs but can also attack other organs such as lymph nodes, heart and so on. Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air, from one person to another, usually through the sputum droplets of someone who has had TB. Anaemia in Tuberculosis can be caused by disruption of the erythropoiesis process by inflammatory mediators, shortening of the life span of erythrocytes, impaired iron metabolism, malabsorption, and inadequate nutrition due to low appetite. The research method used is descriptive. Where this study will describe how the erythrocyte index is in tuberculosis patients who take medication for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, and 6 months of treatment. The total respondents in this study were 20 respondents, including 10 men and 10 women. Based on the results of the erythrocyte index count, the type of erythrocytes shows the number of respondents with Hypochromic Microcytic anaemia as many as 6 people, Normochromic Microcytic anaemia as many as 3 people, Hypochromic Normocytic anaemia 1 person and Normochromic Normocytic anaemia as many as 10 people.</em></p> Aini Aini, Baiq Agustin Saptiana, Pauzan Pauzan, Ika Nurfajri Mentari Copyright (c) 2025 Aini Aini, Baiq Agustin Saptiana, Pauzan Pauzan, Ika Nurfajri Mentari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/598 Sat, 04 Jan 2025 23:04:30 +0000 Studi Literatur: Analisis Kesulitan Belajar Materi Matrik https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/666 <p>Matriks merupakan salah satu topik dalam matematika yang sering dianggap sulit oleh siswa. Kesulitan belajar materi matriks dapat berasal dari berbagai faktor, baik internal maupun eksternal. Dengan menggunakan metode SLR (Systematic Literature Review), penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis apa saja yang menjadi kesulitan dalam pembelajaran materi matrik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan utama dalam pembelajaran materi matrik terletak pada pemahaman konsep matriks serta pemahan terhadap soal yang diberikan, selain itu kesulitan juga dialami dalam mentransformasikan soal dan akhirnya akan merambat pada kesulitan dalam penyelesaian soal.</p> Miftakhussukriah Miftakhussukriah, Annisah Kurniati, Depriwana Rahmi, Suci Yuniati Copyright (c) 2025 Miftakhussukriah Miftakhussukriah, Annisah Kurniati, Depriwana Rahmi, Suci Yuniati https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 https://journal.sekawan-org.id/index.php/jsn/article/view/666 Sat, 04 Jan 2025 23:09:17 +0000